Recently, we have been witnessing the fact that numerous diseases appear at younger and younger ages. There is a wide spectrum of such diseases, but undoubtedly the most worrying is the increased incidence of tumors in young people. One of such tumors is the very insidious colon cancer. An example of the increasing frequency of this disease in young people is the case of 29-year-old Chris Lopez from Texas who, after long agony caused by pain, went to the doctor and experienced a change in his life.

When your stomach hurts, cancer is the last thing on your mind

Colorectal cancer or colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men and women. In men, however, lung cancer leads the way in terms of frequency, and in women, breast cancer, but colon cancer follows right behind them. Often the symptoms of this disease are easily ignored, so Chris Lopez (29) felt severe abdominal pain after vacationing in California. Taking into account frequent food poisoning on trips, the doctor prescribed him antibiotics. So, in most cases, the thought of a malignant disease is in the background. Especially when it comes to a patient who is in their 20s.

If it’s not bacteria, what is it?

Symptoms of abdominal pain in colon cancer are accompanied by bloating, constipation and diarrhea, inability to empty the bowels completely and traces of blood in the stool. Lopez noticed the latter after some time and again turned to the doctor. Suspecting the possibility of bowel disease, the doctor tested Lopez for colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Both diseases have similar symptoms to colorectal cancer. Lopez was also negative for them, and the doctor still did not think of cancer because of the young man’s age. As the choice of possible causes of his symptoms narrowed, the doctor prescribed an antiparasitic.

Facing the truth

Unfortunately, even the antiparasitic did not help Lopez. That’s why the doctor sent him for a colonoscopy. At the time of this examination, Lopez’s stools became even more bloody, and his body mass decreased from 84 to 59 kilograms. And yes, it was cancer. Cancer in the third stage for which fortunately the cure rate is relatively high. The surgeon recommended an operation and installation of a colostomy (a connection between the colon, i.e. the largest part of the large intestine, and the abdominal wall for the purpose of directing stool). A colostomy, due to its bizarre appearance and practicality, would greatly affect a young man’s life. Lopez thought it was too radical a move and turned to another doctor who recommended chemotherapy. Lopez opted for a second opinion and began chemotherapy. Thanks to her, the tumor shrank significantly, and Lopez was additionally subjected to radiation.

How is colorectal cancer treated?

5-fluorouracil, capecitabine, irinotecan and oxaliplatin are most often used in the treatment of colorectal cancer with cytostatics (chemotherapy). These drugs work by different mechanisms and that is why they are most often used in combinations of 2 to 3 different drugs in order to reduce the possibility of developing resistance. However, numerous side effects such as hair loss, mouth sores, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and changes in the skin and nails are most often associated with these classic cytostatics.

On the other hand, monoclonal antibodies are increasingly used in cancer therapy today. They recognize antigens that are largely present on tumor cells. When they are recognized, the antibody together with the cytostatic agent bound to it enter the tumor cell. Then the antibody and the cytostatic are separated, and the cytostatic goes into action with its antitumor effect. Examples of antibodies used in colon cancer therapy are bevacizumab and cetuximab. Due to the targeted effect on tumor cells, they do not affect bone marrow cells, which ensures a much smaller threat to the immune system.

Listen to the experts, but also yourself!

After Lopez’s tumor was significantly reduced, it was surgically removed. His path could have been marked with much more agony if he had immediately undergone surgery and had a colostomy inserted. This would certainly greatly reduce his quality of life, and the recovery process would be more difficult and longer. Everything ended well in the end, mostly because Lopez sought a second opinion. There are many solutions for one problem, so each doctor will have his own vision of therapy. However, it is always good to seek a second opinion so that the patient can assess what is best for him, which proved to be crucial in this case.

Prevention is the best medicine

Colorectal cancer is just one of the diseases that occurs at an increasingly younger age. That is why it is important to pay attention to what we can influence, namely life habits. There are many factors that the “little man” cannot influence, such as air and soil quality. However, regulating the diet and stopping the consumption of alcohol and smoking is what each of us can regulate. Although Chris Lopez got cancer at a young age, it is still rare. The elderly should still be vigilant and practice preventive examinations. If the malignant disease is detected early, the cure rate is high, and the quality of life will remain almost intact. So don’t be afraid – prevent cancer!

Translated by: Nina Šlopar


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2. Što je karcinom debelog crijeva [What Is Colorectal Cancer], 2021., , accessed on 24. March 2024.

3. He Was Diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer at 30. This Saved His Life, 2024, , accessed on 24. March 2024.

4. Vrdoljak E. et al. Smjernice za dijagnosticiranje, liječenje i praćenje bolesnika oboljelih od raka debelog crijeva [Clinical guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring patients with colorectal cancer]. Liječnički vjesnik, Vol. 140 No. 9-10, 2018., , 24. March 2024.

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