‘Better safe than sorry’ has become an ubiquitous saying in healthcare. National cancer screening programs worldwide prioritize preventive examinations to save time, money, and promote healthcare efficiency. Early cancer screening significantly improves survival rates and expands treatment options. It is our duty, as individuals, to take care of our health and regularly get preventive exams. Here are 5 key preventive examinations for everyone, as well as some routine check-ups that we often forget about.

1. Cervical cancer screening (women and men)

WHO IS IT FOR? – Testing for women aged 20 – 64, vaccination for men and women from 8th grade to 25 years of age

WHAT DOES IT IMPLY? – Papa smear and HPV test, HPV vaccine

HOW OFTEN? – Preventive exams every 3 years in case of negative results, 3 vaccine doses in 12 months

One woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer every day in Croatia. A primary preventive exam is visiting a gynecologist to get a physical exam, a Pap smear, and an ultrasound. After becoming sexually active, women should have their first exam and then have routine check-ups every year in case of negative results. If the results are positive, the doctor will determine treatment options and more frequent exams.

Center for Youth Health along with mRAK campaign provides a free first gynecological exam for high school and college students, as well as free HPV vaccinations for both men and women up until the age of 25. You can click here to schedule an appointment.



A Pap smear is a simple, non-invasive, and painless test that can detect abnormalities and changes in cervical cells. It is recommended to get tested between the 10th and the 20th day after the first day of your last period. The test is performed by taking a vaginal smear using a swab stick while the woman is laying down. The sample is then sent for analysis, and the results are typically available within a few weeks. The doctor will determine the next steps based on these results.

HPV test is recommended after the age of 30, while the procedure is nearly identical to the Pap smear. It is used to determine the presence of Human papillomavirus (HPV). The type of virus can be used to predict the risk of developing precancerous or cancerous conditions. HPV vaccination is free for everyone up until the age of 25, and it prevents around 90% of cervical cancers. The vaccine is administered in three separate doses. The recommended schedule for taking the three doses of the vaccine is to take the first two doses at least two months apart, and then wait at least four months between the second and third dose. Breaks between doses can be longer, but it is recommended to take all of them in 12 months.

WHERE TO GO? – Center for Youth Health or to a gynecologist listed on National program for early cervical cancer screening

HOW TO PREPARE? – It is recommended not to have intercourse, bathe, shower, wax, use tampons, creams, lotions, or use vaginal medications 24 to 48 hours before an exam. It is also crucial to empty the bladder and not drink too many liquids right before the exam

HOW LONG IS THE EXAM? – 15 – 30 minutes


2. WOMEN: Breast cancer screening MEN: Special screening program for prostate cancer

Breast cancer screening

WHO IS IT FOR? – Mammography for women aged 50 to 69, ultrasound for women younger than 38

WHAT DOES IT IMPLY? – Mammography and ultrasound for younger women

HOW OFTEN? – Every two years

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in Croatia. There has been a rise in breast cancer cases among younger women, including those in their 20s. Although it is rare, men can also develop breast cancer.

Self-examination is a process in which a woman inspects her breasts one or two weeks after the first day of her period. During the self-examination, it is necessary to pay attention to appearance, discharge, pain, thickenings, or lumps. You can find a more detailed guide to self-examination here. Women younger than 38 are recommended to get a preventive ultrasound one to two times a year. Mammography is a non-invasive X-ray examination that helps detect non-palpable tumors and abnormalities. Every woman over 50 receives an open call for a free mammography every two years, delivered to her home address. This procedure is done between the 5th and the 10th day of the cycle. It is recommended for women to get their first mammogram between the ages of 38 and 40. Mammography involves pressing the breast against the mammograph for 10 minutes, and the results are available in a couple of weeks.

WHERE TO GO? – Besides the call every two years, it is possible to get an earlier appointment with your family doctor or in private practice

HOW TO PREPARE? – It is necessary not to use deodorants, antiperspirants, powders, lotions, creams, or perfumes on the breasts or armpits 24 hours before

HOW LONG IS THE EXAM? – 10 – 30 minutes


Prostate cancer screening

WHO IS IT FOR? – A screening program for men aged 55 to 69 is currently in development

WHAT DOES IT IMPLY? – Measuring blood PSA levels, multiparametric MRI, urologist exams (biopsy)

Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent and deadliest cancers in Croatian men. Starting this year, a screening program for early detection will be available for men in the Zagreb area. Croatia is among the first EU countries to have this type of national program. For any news about the program, it is recommended to follow the pages of the Ministry of Health.

WHERE TO GO? – The screening program will be started by family doctors in local health centers


3. Colorectal cancer screening (men and women)

WHO IS IT FOR? – Men and women aged 50 to 74

WHAT DOES IT IMPLY? – Fecal occult blood test

HOW OFTEN? – Every two years

Colorectal cancer is the second most frequent and deadliest malignant disease in Croatia in both men and women. Its development is very slow, which highlights the importance of early screening in detecting the precancerous state. Early screening methods include fecal occult blood test and colonoscopy in case of a positive result. It is also possible to detect it using the fingers if the cancer is in the final part of the large intestine. The fecal occult blood test is performed at home using test cartons. It is necessary to smear the feces on the carton for 3 consecutive days while following instructions and then mail them.

WHERE TO GO? – The cartons for an at-home fecal occult blood test are sent out every two years, but it is possible to get them on demand


4. Lung cancer screening (men and women)

WHO IS IT FOR? – Men and women between the ages of 50 and 70 who are active smokers or have quit smoking within the last 15 years and have a minimum of 30 years of smoking history

WHAT DOES IT IMPLY? – Family doctor identification and a low radiation chest CT scan

Lung cancer is the most frequent lung cancer in men and the third most frequent in women. It is the most common cause of death among the malignant diseases. Our National early lung cancer screening program was declared the best in the world during the CT Diagnostics Congress in 2022. Candidates for a screening procedure are determined by family doctors who use a comprehensive conversation for further directing the patients.

WHERE TO GO? – Talk with your family doctor, then follow their instructions


5. Other important examinations

Besides preventive examinations for early cancer detection and treatment, there are also other routine check-ups that are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle but are often forgotten. Those include yearly blood tests, going to the dentist every 6 months (free for students), and general physical examinations. By going to our routine check-ups, we get informed about our health, improve health literacy, prevent diseases, and make treatment easier.

To conclude, prevention is the key factor of insight into citizens’ health, early disease detection, and treatment. Abnormalities noticed during screening tests do not provide an immediate diagnosis but serve as a preliminary step toward further examinations and precise diagnostics. Take care of yourself as much as you take care of your loved ones and schedule an appointment today!


Translated by: Lara Mužević



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@sciencephoto via Canva.com