The rise of natural sciences began in the 18th century when they moved away from the philosophical approach and began to be based on new discoveries. As a result, medicine also experienced great changes. Special attention was beginning to be paid to the study of maintaining homeostasis, that is, balance in the body. That’s how people began to talk about minerals as very important actors in the metabolism of our cells and the development of diseases. A significant role in this area was played by the German physician Wilhelm Schüßler, who presented to the world 12 tissue salts crucial for maintaining homeostasis.


Who was Dr. Schüßler?

Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler is very well-known in the world of medicine today, and he started university at the age of 30 due to lack of finances. In the 19th century when Dr. Schüßler lived, conventional medicine strongly opposed homeopathy, which was very popular among the common people for its medicinal properties. Homeopathy is a part of alternative medicine that is based on the use of a drug that causes symptoms similar to the symptoms of the disease, and the opposite approach is called allopathy. Despite the disapproval of the medical field, he founded the homeopathic “Biochemic Association” and began researching the minerals used in homeopathy. He studied the ashes of cremated people and, taking into account the diseases they suffered from, established a deficit of certain minerals. These studies led him to the realization that a lack of certain minerals (salts) can affect the development of many pathological conditions.


Minerals are the key to good health

His idea about the importance of minerals was based on the statement of Dutch doctor Jacob Moleschott that people can stay healthy only if they have the necessary minerals in the necessary amounts in the right ratio. According to Schüßler, the human body contains 12 inorganic salts that exist in perfect equilibrium in a healthy individual. That is why these salts are also called tissue salts. On the other hand, if the perfection of the teamwork of these minerals is disturbed, disease occurs. Also, according to homeopaths, it is not possible to overdose on these salts during therapy. For example, calcium salts will not accumulate in the joints and kidneys, causing bone growths and stones, rather the calcium will go to the bone and strengthen it.


What are the 12 Schüßler salts?

In addition to the Latin names, you will often find salts under serial numbers. Thus, Calcium fluoratum will be salt number 1, Calcium phosphoricum salt number 2… (they are listed in that order in the text).


Calcium fluoratum (NO. 1) is a salt that enables tissue elasticity, especially of the cartilage and tendons. A lack of this salt can lead to joint pain, cavities and periodontitis, as well as skin changes (appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks, brittle nails). It can also be used for osteopenia and osteoporosis. Calcium phosphoricum (NO. 2) is important for strengthening the bones because calcium and phosphorus are the most important minerals in bones. That is why it is also important for children’s growth, mineralization of teeth, healing of fractures and also helps people prone to bleeding. This salt is used for diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis as well as delayed or rapid growth. Ferrum phosphoricum (NO. 3) is recommended in case of elevated body temperature, i.e. in the beginnings of viral infections and inflammation. Since iron is part of heme (the prosthetic group of hemoglobin), this salt enables an increased supply of oxygen in cells. It positively affects the activity of cells of the immune system (macrophages and polymorphonuclear granulocytes), has a detoxifying effect, and is depleted more by people who consume foods with purine alkaloids (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine) and nicotine.


Kalium muriaticum (NO. 4) is a suitable salt for ear infections and stuffy noses. When a more severe infection occurs, it is recommended to take Ferrum phoshoricum first and then this salt. Also, it acts as a secretolytic and cleanses the body of “various toxins” (many instructions for the uses of these salts are very general because it is still homeopathy and there is not enough evidence for absolutely every indication). Kalium phosphoricum (NO. 5) helps with fatigue, nervousness, constipation and a general lack of energy. It is therefore important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. That’s why it’s ideal for students who are preparing for a difficult exam or those in a stressful time crunch. Kalium sulfuricum (NO. 6) is used for mild skin irritations, and vitiligo may indicate precisely the lack of this salt. Due to sulfates, it enables detoxification of the body. It is advantageous to use it in inflammation with abundant secretion; it regenerates mucous tissue and helps with children’s diseases such as rubella. It is also useful for athletes because this mineral is suitable for muscle regeneration and prevention of inflammation.


Magnesium phosphoricum (NO. 7) contains magnesium, which is a cofactor of more than 300 enzymes in the human body. Therefore, its deficit causes many changes in physiological processes. For example, lack of magnesium causes migraines, insomnia and muscle spasms. With severe headaches, cramps, muscle and menstrual pain, this salt can be of considerable help. Natrium muriaticum (BR. 8) enables the maintenance of acid-base balance, the formation of new cells such as erythrocytes, and the production of gastric acid. Deficit of the salt leads to dehydration of the cells, and thus to dry skin and mucous membranes. Natrium phosphoricum (NO. 9) is the most important salt for the processing of lactate and the secretion of uric acid, but also for the neutralization of acids in the body, including stomach acid. It is important in the catabolism of fats and carbohydrates, which makes it ideal in the fight against excess bodyweight. For the aforementioned reasons, this mineral is useful for gout, heartburn, bladder and kidney disease, mycosis (fungal diseases) and obesity.


Natrium sulfuricum (NO. 10) acts as a diuretic, thus expelling excess fluid and toxins from the body. This is why a lack of the salt is manifested in the form of reduced urination and rheumatic pains. Calcium sulfuricum (NO. 11) since it contains calcium, you probably conclude that it is important for bone and connective tissue health. It also accelerates wound healing and shortens the duration of chronic inflammation. When pimples and acne appear, it is useful to combine it with Calcium muriaticum.

Silica (NO. 12) is, like the previous salt, part of connective tissue. Lack of the salt can be noticed in those whose hair and nails are easily brittle and weak. In addition, the premature appearance of wrinkles around the eyes indicates a lack of Silica.


Be cautious with homeopathic remedies

After a detailed description of each of these inorganic compounds, it is important to emphasize that their use is not part of classic medicine. However, many studies have been conducted so far that confirm their effectiveness. In Croatia, most people still haven’t heard of these minerals, and in Central and Western Europe, many use them and they are a kind of hit. In the event of the occurrence of any of the health issues listed in this text, the most important thing is to first contact a general practitioner or a pharmacist at a nearby pharmacy if it is a mild complaint, and reaching for homeopathic preparations should be thought through. And finally, these salts are intended for mild ailments, but for more severe pathological conditions, classic medicine (visit to the doctor and pharmacotherapy) is inevitable.


Translated by: Nina Šlopar



1. Wacker S. (2012.) Schüßler-Salze: Die fantastischen 12. Stuttgart: TRIAS

2. Tkivne soli ili Schusslerove soli, 2020., , pristupljeno 21. travnja 2024.

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