

What happens when we stop eating sweets?

Reducing the intake of simple sugars can initially cause unpleasant symptoms such as lack of concentration, fatigue, weakness… However, positive changes soon occur. Skin health is improved, energy levels are higher and most importantly, the risks of more serious chronic diseases such as diabetes are reduced.

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Activated charcoal – when and why is it used?

Activated charcoal is widely used in different areas, ranging from the pharmacy, medicine, and cosmetic industry to ecology. This type of coal is produced by exposing standard coal to high temperatures. It is known for its ability to absorb toxins and other harmful substances. Considering its versatile uses, activated charcoal plays an essential role in everyday life.

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How did (or perhaps did not) the frog become the prince? : the kiss through the toxicology lense

The fairytale about the princess and the frog is being explored through the toxicology perspective, speculating the possibility that hallucinogenic O-methyl bufotenin in the frog’s poison could explain the “magic“ behind the transformation of a frog into a prince. Even though this is only mere speculation, it serves as a fusion of the scientific world and fairytales that encourage new, intriguing understandings of classical stories.

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